Category: Population Reports

  • Tennessee Jail offers birth control – great idea

    A jail in White County, Tennessee, is offering reduced sentences to inmates who agree to a vasectomy or birth control implant, ABC 15 reported Wednesday. Inmates who volunteer are rewarded with 30 days less jail time under an order signed in May by Judge Sam Benningfield. The judge told ABC 15 he hopes the procedures, provided for free…

  • 2004 UN Report 9.1 Billion by 2050

    This is from a United Nations Pressrelease dated Feburary 24, 2005, POP/918. Let’s start now to reverse the prediction. WORLD POPULATION TO INCREASE BY 2.6 BILLION OVER NEXT 45 YEARS, WITH ALL GROWTH OCCURRING IN LESS DEVELOPED REGIONS Numbers to Rise from Present 6.5 Billion, Hitting 9.1 Billion by 2050, According to Official UN Estimates…