Category: Mission

  • Tennessee Jail offers birth control – great idea

    A jail in White County, Tennessee, is offering reduced sentences to inmates who agree to a vasectomy or birth control implant, ABC 15 reported Wednesday. Inmates who volunteer are rewarded with 30 days less jail time under an order signed in May by Judge Sam Benningfield. The judge told ABC 15 he hopes the procedures, provided for free…

  • Philosopher Travis Rieder Suggests: Stop Having Babies

    To slow climate change, stop having babies. That’s the gist of a provocative new book by Johns Hopkins philosopher Travis Rieder. Rieder suggests that having large families in a climate crisis strains morality, which is something that few policymakers want to acknowledge. His book is called: Toward a Small Family Ethic: How Overpopulation and Climate…

  • Mission

    I am Ted Schaefer. I admit that I have no particular qualifications to speak on this subject, except a it has interested me for years and I have a science/tech background. It occured to me that the one topic missing from the conversations about global warming was the number of people on the planet. It…